
Step 1

Send us a message letting us know what you are interested. It can be similar to something we have already done or completely unique.

Step 2

Once a preliminary design has been set, we will send you pricing and a proof to get your approval to move forward. If everything is good, send us acknowledgement letting us know we are good to move foward. If you would like changes or adjustments let us know and we will revise the proof and resend.

Step 3

Once the proof has been approved we will send an invoice showing the total due. We ask for 1/2 of the total before starting the project.

After down payment is received we will begin working on your item. Schedule, detail of the piece and size will determine the timeline of completion. We will give you our best estimate at time of ordering.

Step 4

When we have completed the order we will notify you to arrange meeting to deliver (if local in the Dallas/Fort Worth area) or package for shipping. If items are being shipped we will add the shipping cost to your final payment.

Step 5

Send the payment for the balance due and we will deliver or ship your order.

Step 6

That's it! We try to make the process hassle free and try to get your orders out in a timely manner.